Eat that coal, dinosaur! – site-specific butoh performance
Verbundenheit. Episode I – Leidenschaft. Das ibug-Festival für urbane KunstRené Eckert von Blickinsfreie will mit seiner Kurzfilmreihe „Verbundenheit - ein Liebesbrief an Sachsen“ seine Heimat filmisch portraitieren und Geschichten von Menschen erzählen, die ihn inspirieren. In Episode 1 geht es um Leidenschaft. Die Leidenschaft, die uns hinter den Kulissen der ibug antreibt. Aber seht selbst... #ibug2019 #simplysaxonyJetzt Tickets im Vorverkauf sichern ? www.ibug-art.de
Slået op af ibug i Tirsdag den 13. august 2019
On Saturday the 24.08.2019 I spent 24 hours on site from 3 pm. During this time, I took notes and pictures, recorded sounds, interviewed visitors,and rehearsed to make Butoh dance performance with the collected inspiration on Sunday from 3pm onwards.
Curious to see the results?
Visist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pabis_artpractice/
Location: Greizer Strasse ecke Friedensstrasse, Reichenbach im Vogtland, Sachsen 08499
Every time I come across a mechanized way of dealing with a person, I freeze in fear. Worthless, unnecessary, inappropriate. That's how I feel. During the Industrialwasteland Transformation festival I deal with this topic on the grounds of the former railway depots. This originated in 1846 in the course of the industrialization of Central Europe.
Now they are ruins that still impress with their size and quantity of material. I, with my vulnerable body of female human beings, am there as an individual to tell a story about modernity and Central European Society.